Synthetic Gemstone and Cubic Zirconia Diamond
Buy Directly from Manufacturer in China at Factory Price
Buy at our online store in any quantity from 10 Pieces to 1,000,000 Pieces. We gurantee Best Quality and "OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE WORLD"
Large Discount for Volume Order. Can Supply Cubic Zirconia gemstone in any sizes, shape,color and quantity. We can also supply all types of Natural Gemstone.
Yingliang Gems
Synthetic Cubic Zirconia Supplier Xi Huan Road, Wuzhou Jewel City Building, Wuzhou – 543002, Guangxi, CHINA.
Ilyas Lapidary Co. Ltd
1158/8, CharoenKrung Road, Bangrak, Bangkok-10500, THAILAND.
+91 7358320959, +91 7010206905